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 Metronor ½Ã½ºÅÛÀÇ °³¿ä
     Metronor´Â CCD Camera¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÏ¿© °ø°£»ó¿¡¼­ Handheld Probe (Light Pen)¿¡ ºÎÂø µÇ¾î ÀÖ´Â Light SourceÀÇ
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     Feature¿¡ ´ëÇÑ ÃøÁ¤ÀÌ °¡´É
 Metronor ½Ã½ºÅÛÀÇ ÀÀ¿ë¹üÀ§
     Pilot Plant 
     Tool Certification 
     Line Installation 
     Line Maintenance & Trouble Shooting  
     Machining Setup 
     On-machine Part Inspection 
 METRONOR Àû¿ë PDF ¸®Æ÷Æ®http://www.imaqs.com/portable_cmm.htm 
Metronor SOLO Portable Measurement ½Ã½ºÅÛÀÇ Æ¯Â¡ 
¿©À¯ÀÖ´Â ¼º´É
±âÁ¸ÀÇ Portable CMM¿¡ Large VolumeÀÇ È®À强, ½¬¿î »ç¿ë ¹æ¹ý, ³ôÀº ÃøÁ¤Á¤¹Ðµµ¿Í ¿ëÀÌÇÑ À̵¿¼ºÀ» Àú·ÅÇÑ °¡°ÝÀ¸·Î µ¿½Ã¿¡ ¸¸Á·
ÁøÁ¤ÇÑ Portable CMM
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¼³Ä¡ ¹× »ç¿ëÀÌ ¿ëÀÌÇϸç, 3D Length Accuracy´Â 0.053mm(at 2.5m)/0.090mm(at 6m)/ 0.188mm(at 10m)ÀÇ ÃøÁ¤ Á¤¹Ðµµ, 2.5D Planar Accuracy´Â 0.040mm(at 10m)ÀÇ ÃøÁ¤ Á¤¹Ðµµ¸¦ ³ªÅ¸³¿
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¼³Ä¡ÀÇ °úÁ¤, Àåºñ¸¦ ¼³Ä¡Çϱâ À§ÇÑ ±âÃʳª ºÎÂø¹°, Large Parts¸¦ ÃøÁ¤Çϱâ À§ÇÑ Leap-FroggingÀÌ ÇÊ¿ä ¾øÀ½, ´ÜÁö Tripod¸¦ ³õ°í, Àü¿øÀ» ÄÑ°í 1.5m ~ 30mÀÇ ¿µ¿ªÀ» ÃøÁ¤
¹«¼±¹æ½ÄÀÇ CMM
Parts, Tooling °ú MachineryÀÇ Features¸¦ Shop Floor¿¡¼­ ½Å¼ÓÇÏ°Ô ÃøÁ¤
»ç¿ëÀÚ ºÐ¼® Probe
´Ù¾çÇÑ Çü»óÀÇ Probe¸¦ ¸¸µç ÈÄ CalibrationÀ» ÅëÇÏ¿© »ç¿ë
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MetronorÀÇ MNS Geometry Analysis software¸¦ ÀÌ¿ëÇÑ ´Ù¾çÇÑ ½Ç½Ã°£ ºÐ¼®
Metronor ½Ã½ºÅÛÀÇ ÀÀ¿ë¹üÀ§  
Automotive - ½Å¼ÓÇÑ Á¦Ç° Ãâ½Ã, ¾ö°ÝÇÑ °øÁ¤ °ü¸®
Metronor delivers the most versatile, efficient and affordable tools you need to improve your process and exceed your management and program requirements. Our comprehensive end-to-end strategy for helping you control and improve your process is called Geometry Assurance.
Metronor's versatile measurement systems provide invaluable data during prototyping to enable better functional designs.
Rapid Full Car-body measurement - immediate feedback to Design
Metronor's Switch Mode capability enables full car-body measurements AND reaching the original alignment datums on the chassis!
Whether your task is digitization of the engine compartment, verification of body panels, or interior measurements, simply align to the original car coordinate definition on the chassis using one camera - then Switch to the other camera viewing the objects of interest - and gather real-time data, or compare to CAD. A full car body CMM capability in minutes!
Material Testing, Mixed-Materials and Analysis
Metronor's simultaneous multiple LEDs provide invaluable data concerning distortion and deformation. Up to 50 points can be monitored simultaneously and analyzed for changes in position.
Special high temperature LEDs are capable of withstanding temperatures over 150?C
(300 F) providing real-time deformation feedback in high temperature heat chambers - while standard LEDs monitor pillar and frame distortion to ensure overall frame stability.
Pilot Plant
Small Series Production Verification
Up-front proof of concept at the Pilot Plant level enables rapid tooling installation in the production environment. Securing part geometry, tooling layout and assembly build-up at this stage helps reduce the costly trial phase associated with most product launches.
Tool Certification
Tool geometry, part geometry and process influence determine final product geometry. Securing tool geometry and minimizing any process influences are therefore critical for a smooth vehicle launch. The higher the initial tool capability, the faster costs will be recouped on the line.
Functional Tool Certification
A successful tool certification plan including all 4 elements below and carried out at the tool supplier eliminates these sources of variability. These proven methods bring product to market months ahead of schedule (DaimlerChrysler Neon) and with the highest quality ever (Volkswagen Golf) - resulting in massive payback for the program.
I) Machine Repeatability verification
Securing the repeatability of all moveable members (dump units, slides, retractable locators, stop blocks and locking mechanisms) is a critical first step to guarantee a stable, accurate tooling condition. Metronor's LED Kit enables rapid simultaneous measurement of all points of interest.
II) Tool verification to Product CAD

Metronor's long reach light pens enable tool base measurement - critical for flattening the tool, as well as reaching original datums - up to 1000mm / 40" outside the view of the camera!

Metronor's hand-held CMM style probe enables pin and block verification directly to the CAD surface that build the car - no adapters - no heel points - no error stack-up. Complex block surfaces are analyzed with Metronor's Virtual Best-Fit software, identifying how thick stand-off blocks should be machined, alternatively what standard shim packs should be used, to align directly to CAD - before any adjustment is performed.
»ý»êLine Installation

Provided a comprehensive tooling certification strategy has been utilized at the tool supplier, line installation can be accomplished in a minimum of time and result in virtually no try-out phase - a customer quality car being first off the line.

For added pre-production confidence, Metronor's SOLO enables fast final checks to the latest product CAD model, using original tool datums and the part-in-tool - secure production line start-up with confidence - before committing any precious prototype sheet-metal.
Line Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Aerospace - È¿À²ÀûÀÎ °³¹ß, ¾ö°ÝÇÑ °øÁ¤ °ü¸® 
Machining Setup - Part Balancing & Alignment
Final Machining , Inspection On CNC Machine Bed
Troubleshooting, Problem Solving & Testing
Repair & Maintenance
Casting & Forging
Contour Boards, Patterns & Plugs
Molds Cores


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57 LJ-3000 2D ÀÌÂ÷¿ø ºñÁ¢ÃË ·¹ÀÌÀú Ç¥¸é Çü»ó ÃøÁ¤±â    
56 ¾È¸®Ã÷ KL350A KL151A ¹Ì¼¼-°í¼Ó ·¹ÀÌÀú ¿Ü°æ ÃøÁ¤±â 2¨ª    
55 MICRO-EPSILON optoNCDT 2200 ·¹ÀÌÀú º¯À§°è    
54 DORC ZX-1 Mini ±¤¼¶À¯ °î¸é°Ë»ç¿ë °£¼·°è    
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50 MINOLTA VIVID 9i ¹Ì³îŸ 3Â÷¿ø 3D ½ºÄÉ³Ê    
49 MINOLTA VIVID 700 ¹Ì³îŸ 3Â÷¿ø 3D ½ºÄÉ³Ê    
48 MINOLTA VIVID 300 ¹Ì³îŸ 3Â÷¿ø 3D ½ºÄÉ³Ê    
47 NEC Danae-R 3D 3Â÷¿ø ½ºÄÉ³Ê + ·¡ÇǵåÆû ¼ÒÇÁÆ®¿þ¾î ¼¼Æ®    
46 ·Î·»µå 3D Modeling Machine LPX-250 3Â÷¿ø LASER 3D ½ºÄÉ³Ê    
45 Steinbichle C100VZ 3Â÷¿ø 3D ½ºÄÉ³Ê    
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41 ZYGO MESA ·¹ÀÌÀú °£¼·°è    
40 ZYGO PTI250 RS ·»Áî¿ë ·¹ÀÌÀú °£¼·°è    
39 LT-8000 ½Ã¸®Áî 2Â÷¿ø ·¹ÀÌÀú ÃøÁ¤ º¯À§°è    
38 LT-900 ½Ã¸®Áî 2Â÷¿ø ·¹ÀÌÀú ÃøÁ¤ º¯À§°è    
37 OPTO CONTROL ODC2600-40 Á¤¹Ð ·¹ÀÌÀú ¿Ü°æÃøÁ¤±â 34¨ª    
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35 LS-5000 °íÁ¤¹Ðµµ ºñÁ¢ÃË ·¹ÀÌÀú ¿Ü°æ ÃøÁ¤±â 62~120¨ª    
34 LS-3000 °íÁ¤¹Ðµµ ºñÁ¢ÃË ·¹ÀÌÀú ¿Ü°æ ÃøÁ¤±â 32¨ª    
33 VG-300 ¿Ü°æÃøÁ¤±â VG-035 ·¹ÀÌÀú ¶óÀÎ °ÔÀÌÁö - 32¨ª    
32 LX2-03 ·¹ÀÌÀú ºñÁ¢ÃË º¯À§ ÃøÁ¤±â    
31 SICK LD-OEM1000 3D ·¹ÀÌÀú ½ºÄÉ³Ê    
30 Å°¿£½º 2D ¿¡¸®¾î ·¹ÀÌÀú ½ºÄ³³Ê    
29 SICK LMS-200 2D ·¹ÀÌÀú ½ºÄÉ³Ê    
28 Å°¿£½º ÀåÃÊÁ¡ ·¹ÀÌÀú º¯À§°è LK-500    
27 CV-2000 , OP-42342 À̹ÌÁö ºÐ¼®±â ºñÀüÄ«¸Þ¶ó    
26 ¿À¹Ç·Ð FZ2 Ä®¶ó ºñÀü¼¾¼­    
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22 Å°¿£½º °í¼Ó ·¹ÀÌÀú º¯À§°è LC-2400 Á¤¹Ðµµ 0.02 ¥ìm    
21 CV-120 À̹ÌÁö ºÐ¼®±â ºñÀüÄ«¸Þ¶ó    
20 CV-300 À̹ÌÁöºÐ¼® ½Ã½ºÅÛ ºñÀüÄ«¸Þ¶ó    
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16 ¹Ì¾²µµ¿ä LSM-3000 ·¹ÀÌÀú ¿Ü°æ ÃøÁ¤±â ( LSM-310S ) 10¨ª    
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14 KEYENCE LE-4000 ºñÁ¢ÃË ·¹ÀÌÀú Ç¥¸é Çü»ó ÃøÁ¤±â    
13 OMRON °íÁ¤µµ ·¹ÀÌÀú º¯À§¼¾¼­ Z4M-W40RA ¼ö·®2´ë    
12 Panasonic LM-10 Á¤¹Ð ·¹ÀÌÀú º¯À§°è    
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